Budget Upgrades for the Painbow (and other 5c decks)

We’re back on Dominaria, the plane where it all started, with Dominaria United (followed now by The Brothers‘ War). So united in fact, that with the ancillary Commander product, we’ve got a Coalition-themed preconstructed deck.

That sounds awesome at first – until you remember how clunky the mana bases of these decks often work under the self-imposed restrictions they’re built with. In this particular case, the mana base might even be quite usable, but I think we can do better. So let’s improve things!

And let’s do it on the cheap! Yes, you can build an ideal mana base with fetches, shocks, og duals, triomes, and rainbow lands – but if you look at the price tag of something like that, you know where the term „painbow“ might really be originated. We will try to stay under $50 total including the original precon deck (at the time of release).
